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Saves Time

Passion-Smashing Paperwork - Gone!

Your families enter their contact and payment info themselves, and you dont need to keep it up to date in multiple spreadsheets, rosters etc.

Payments are processed automatically.

Website updates automatically...


More Profitable

Online Presence, More enrollments, Lower admin $ - Done!

Effective, modern, mobile-friendly website options sell your classes.

Targeted marketing emails are a snap.

Everyone who interacts with your webssite becomes a tracked prospect.

No more missed payments...


How will YourVirtuoso help me?

We'd like to show you a case study tailored to you and your studio. 

or Just Give it a Try


So how can it be free?

When it comes down to it, the more kids' lives you can enrich with the arts, the happier we will be.

So until we have helped you grow your business to the level it needs credit card processing, phone support and an ad-free online presence, we are happy to help - for free - for as long as you want.

Eventually, of course, we hope you will upgrade to our "Pro" service. We do have bills to pay too!

 YourVirtuoso & SimplySignup

The YourVirtuoso service was designed by SimplySignup LLC and for the last 15 years has supported 100's of enrichment centers including Kindermusik™ studios, Music Together© centers and independent music schools in the US, Canada and Australia. The latest upgrades to YourVirtuoso have made it the best choice for any studio or school - independent, or licensed.


Some Awesome Features!

A few of the powerful studio management and marketing capabilities of YourVirtuoso


Instant Summary of Sales $ for the session and year, and Enrollments by teacher, location and curriculum

Class Calendar

Color coded and filterable by teacher, location or curriculum. The school week at a glance!

Class Rosters

Online or in print.

Students email, attendance, balance due. Transfer, Drop, Make-up, Waitlist...

Auto-updated Website

Customizeable with your own logo, images & text, and mobile responsive.

Online registration, payment, preview, makeups