No More Passion Smashing Paperwork!
Does implementing music teacher software really save you time? Can it actually generate more income from your studio?
In this case study, we have taken a typical, fairly small, music studio as an example, and calculated the time saved, money saved and revenue generated from the use of the suite of studio management features included in YourVirtuoso. The results are compelling. Your mileage may vary, of course. The conclusion probably will not...
The Numbers (sorry!)
Here are the key assumptions, savings and revenue results in chart form. Just scroll down for the "cliffs notes": 
So, a very modest expenditure for the most popular YourVirtuoso Pro service package pays for itself over and over, and can drive a host of efficiency and effectiveness improvements for you. Here are some key benefits from features like online registration and payments:
- 94 Hours of administrative time saved per year, along with the associated "passion-smashing" paperwork! That's time you could spend with your students... or your family!
- A whopping $9,000 potential revenue boost, by making sure customers get to your site, whether on a mobile or desktop device, and by enabling them to enroll and pay right then and there - while the iron is hot!
- Plus, with all your data consistently saved in one secure database, you will just feel more in-control of your studio: A professional website that updates itself automatically and payment reminder emails going out all on their own. You just set up your semester or school year and sit back (almost) to watch the enrollments roll in and payments appear in your bank. Then print out your class rosters and teach!
Try it FREE!
If that sounds attractive, we have made it easy for you to give the YourVirtuoso teacher management software a try at no cost! You can start with our Free package, or go straight to the Pro package with your first month free to let you check it out. Your Choice...